Sunday, February 20, 2011


Have you ever thought about death? Death is a mysterious thing. No one exactly knows what death feels like, because no one is around to tell the tale. When you are told that you are going to die, it is also a mysterious thing. Something inside of you opens up, and it’s like a sudden fear erupts out of that newly created hole and consumes you.

This fear is precisely what I felt when Green told me I was going to die in Washington D.C. It scared the crap out of me and the only thing I could do was clutch my rubber ducky closer to my chest.

Our helicopter landed moments later, and then we were ushered out of it and onto the landing pad. I was put right next to Green and Jack, with armed men all around me. There was no way I was even going to think about escaping. From the landing pad, we walked to a door that led into a massive building. Once inside, Green snatched my rubber ducky from me, holding it as bait so I wouldn’t run away. He was certainly a smart terrorist.

We were led right into the nearest elevator. My philosophy was that stairs were faster than the elevator, but these guys obviously disagreed. Silence was the dominant element as we descended through the thirty nine floors of the building. Green wasn’t one for small talk, and neither were his men.

The elevator doors finally opened on the first floor, and we spilled out of the front doors. Waiting for us were two big, black Hummers. What was up with Green and Hummers? I was forced into the first Hummer with Green and Jack. One of Green’s men got into the drivers seat and off we went.

I risked asking a question. “Where are we going?”

“Shut up.” Was Green’s reply.

Obviously our destination was being kept a secret. That was fine with me. I would know where we were headed soon enough.

It turns out that ten minutes later, we had reached our destination. And where we were floored me. Because looming in front of us was the Lincoln Memorial.

After parking, Green hauled me out of the Hummer and waved my rubber ducky in front of my eyes, tempting me. I turned away in disgust, not being able to see my rubber ducky in the hands of that evil man.

As we neared the Lincoln Memorial, I received a second surprise. Part of what surprised me was the amount of people that surrounded the memorial. There were people everywhere, but why they were all here was a mystery to me.
And then I figured it all out. This is what really surprised me: standing right below the Lincoln Memorial was the President of the United States.

It all started to make sense. Somehow, someway, I was going to die here, and I had a sinking suspicion that the President was going to die with me.

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