Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Following Jack Bauer and the six other CTU agents around felt like a dream. In fact, this whole series of events felt like a dream. From my rubber ducky getting stolen for some terrorist’s evil plan, to getting abducted by my math teacher and meeting Jack, this day had been unreal.

Jack led his pack of men and me through many rooms and hallways, searching for Green.

There was still no sign of Green and we were running out of places to look. We continued to run down hallways and bust down doors, desperately trying to find the terrorist before he got away. It turns out this building was huge and had several floors, which made our search even harder.

We reached a dead end. We had been running down the last hallway when all of a sudden, it ended. Instead of the hallway continuing on, there was a door right in the middle of the wall. Jack wasted no time and he opened the door and ran right through. We all followed him and found ourselves outside on the roof. But what was on this roof astonished me even more.

Green had his own helicopter pad on the roof. And now our search for Green was over because he was also on the roof, climbing into a helicopter. Many of Green’s men were surrounding the helicopter with AK-47s in their arms. But the important thing was that we hadn’t missed Green yet. There was still a chance to get my rubber ducky back.

Jack Bauer instantly went into action. He ran towards the helicopter, dodging bullets from Green’s henchmen.

The helicopter was lifting off the ground, almost about to fly away. Jack picked up speed and I watched him dive towards the open helicopter door. He landed it perfectly. Green stared at Jack in shock, as though he couldn’t believe that Jack was there and had made it in to the helicopter. I was standing safely behind Jack’s men, and when I saw the look on Green’s face, I literally laughed out loud.

Jack delivered a brutal looking punch to Green’s face. Green jerked back in his seat and went limp. Jack had done it! He had knocked Green unconscious!

The gunfire battle was also over, with Green’s henchmen all lying dead on the ground. We had won! We had defeated the terrorists!

What Jack did next was the best thing ever. Apparently Green had been holding my rubber ducky and Jack had spotted it, so he nodded at me and tossed my rubber duck out of the helicopter. I rushed past Jack’s men and ran after my rubber ducky. Even though it had been less than twenty four hours since I had last seen my rubber ducky, I had still missed it a lot. I had gone through a lot to get my duck back and now that it was in sight, I couldn’t wait to hold it again.

As I ran to my duck, I noticed the helicopter flying away. I saw Jack in the back, aiming his pistol at the pilot. Even though I was sad to see Jack go, I was comforted by the fact that he had Green with him and I knew that Jack would take care of himself. He was Jack Bauer, after all.

I had finally reached the spot where my precious belonging lay. I scooped up my rubber ducky and held it tight. I never wanted to let it go again. I looked at the bottom of the duck and sure enough, it had BRUNDON written on it. This was my ducky all right. I brought the rubber duck up to my mouth and gave it a quick kiss. That’s when I heard the ticking noise. It was coming from my rubber duck.

I had seen enough movies to realize what this meant: there was a bomb inside my precious rubber ducky. I knew what I had to do. I figured I had just a few seconds until the bomb went off. Using my super-fast reflexes, I chucked the rubber ducky as far as I could. I watched it float in the air, and it was at that moment that I realized what I had done. I had thrown away the rubber ducky that I had gone through so much to get back. But I had had no choice. It was either throw it away or get blown to bits.

To my horror, the rubber ducky didn’t go as far as I had hoped. Instead of flying off the roof, the duck landed back on the helicopter pad. Epic fail.

BOOM! The bomb went off, causing all of us on the roof to fly backwards. I flew back into one of Jack’s men, cushioning my fall. I wasn’t hurt by the explosion, but the rest of Jack’s men were. They were all lying on the ground, unconscious. I stood up and glanced around me. Over half of the helicopter pad was gone, destroyed by the bomb. And worst of all, my rubber ducky was gone.

Tears welled up in my eyes. I stood there, taking it all in. Jack was gone on a helicopter with Green, going who knows where. My rubber ducky was gone for good. Jack’s men were knocked out cold. Was this the end? Was it all over? It sure felt like it.

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