Saturday, February 19, 2011


Betrayal is a curious thing. One minute you think an invincible counter terrorist agent is your friend, and the next, he has stabbed you in the back. Not literally stabbed, just metaphorically. Anyways, my point is that betrayal can be a pain in the butt. I had put my trust in Jack, thinking that he would have solved all of my problems when he had jumped into the helicopter with the unconscious Green. Instead, he had folded under pressure when he was met with machine guns aimed at him when they landed. I though Jack Bauer would’ve rather died than give in to terrorists. I guess I was wrong.

When I finally opened my eyes again, it took me a while to get used to my surroundings. I lifted my head up slowly, my eyebrows wrinkling at the unfamiliar items around me. There was also a constant humming noise in the background. Where was I? I sat up all the way, looking all around at me, trying to find any clues as to where I had been taken. That’s when I saw him.

Jack sat in a chair in the corner, silently gazing at me. I didn’t see Green anywhere around me so I thought it would be safe to talk to Jack. Maybe he could answer some of my many questions.

“Where am I?”

It took a little while for Jack to respond. “You are in Green’s helicopter.”

That explained the unfamiliar surroundings and the humming noise. “Where are we going?” I asked.

“Washington, D.C.”
My heart stopped. Green was up to no good. And if his evil plan involved Washington D.C., then things were worse than I had imagined.

“How long until we arrive?”

Jack glanced at his watch. “Five minutes.”

Before I could say anything else, Green walked in. I noticed then that there was a separating door between the cockpit and the seating area of the helicopter. Green had been in the cockpit and now I got to see his lovely face once again.

“Why hello again, little Brundon, it’s nice of you to join us.”

I was silent, letting Green know that I was not enjoying this one little bit.

Green took a seat in one of the empty chairs. “Jack, leave us.”

Jack obediently left his chair and took Green’s spot in the cockpit. On the way, Jack whispered two words that immediately filled me with hope. “I’m waiting.”

He said it so softly that Green didn’t hear it. At first, I thought I had even imagined it, but as I continued to think about it, I was sure that he had actually said it. Was Jack still on my side? Was he pretending to go along with Green so that he could find out his plan and then foil Green at the end? If so, then my situation definitely looked more promising. Maybe we could defeat Green after all…

My thoughts were interrupted by Green. “I brought something for you.” I turned my attention to him and my heart melted as I saw what was in his hands. My rubber ducky had made an appearance once again, and my heart skipped a beat every sing I saw it still alive and in one piece.

Then Green did something that really shocked me. He tossed my rubber ducky into the air, and I reached out desperately, hoping to catch it before it hit the floor of the helicopter. To my relief, it landed straight into my outstretched hands and I quickly drew it in and brought the rubber ducky to my chest, savoring the closeness. This was the first time I had held my rubber ducky ever since Green had stolen it. Now it was safe in my arms and I never wanted to let go of it ever again. I brought the rubber ducky up to my face, and glanced at Green to make sure he wasn’t watching. Green was staring out the window, lost in thought, so I quickly kissed the rubber ducky right on its beak.

That’s when Green spoke again. “Brundon, welcome to Washington D.C., the place where you will die.”

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